Freitag, 22. September 2017

Kanji Nr.45 北

Kanji 漢字

Kun-reading 訓読


On-reading 音読


Meaning 意味


JLPT Level 日本語能力試験


Compound 熟語 / Grammar 文法

北 きた north
北東 north east
北西 ほくせい north west
北海道 ほっかいどう Hokkaido

Donnerstag, 21. September 2017

Kanji Nr.44 女

Kanji 漢字

Kun-reading 訓読


On-reading 音読

ジョ ニョ ニョウ

Meaning 意味

women, female

JLPT Level 日本語能力試験


Compound 熟語 / Grammar 文法

女 おんな female
女の人 おんなのひと women
女の おんなのこ girl
女子 じょし girl
長女 ちょうじょ  eldest daughter
乙女 おとめ maiden
女神 めがみ goddess
男女 だんじょ men and women
老若男女 ろうにゃくなんにょ men and women (every age)

Mittwoch, 20. September 2017

Kanji Nr.43 話

Kanji 漢字

Kun-reading 訓読

はな はなし

On-reading 音読

Meaning 意味

tale, talk

JLPT Level 日本語能力試験


Compound 熟語 / Grammar 文法

話す はなす speak, talk
話し合う はなしあう discuss
話 はなし talk, speech
話題 わだい topic, subject
会話 かいわ conversation
童話 どうわ fairytale
神話 しんわ mythology
恋話 こいばな love talk
...話 ...わ counter for episodes, chapter etc.

Dienstag, 19. September 2017

Kanji Nr.42 山

Kanji 漢字

Kun-reading 訓読


On-reading 音読

サン セン

Meaning 意味


JLPT Level 日本語能力試験


Compound 熟語 / Grammar 文法

山 やま mountain
火山 かざん volcano
...山 ...サン Mount...
富士山 ふじさん Mount Fuji
登山 とざん climbing
沢山 たくさん a lot
山のような やまのような a lot

Montag, 18. September 2017

Kanji Nr.41 七

Kanji 漢字

Kun-reading 訓読

なな なの

On-reading 音読


Meaning 意味


JLPT Level 日本語能力試験


Compound 熟語 / Grammar 文法

七 なな、しち seven
七日 なのか seventh day
七つ ななつ seven (pieces)
七月 しちがつ July

Freitag, 15. September 2017

Kanji Nr.40 小

Kanji 漢字

Kun-reading 訓読

ちい こ お さ

On-reading 音読


Meaning 意味

little, small

JLPT Level 日本語能力試験


Compound 熟語 / Grammar 文法

小さい ちいさい small, little, tiny
小っちゃい ちっちゃい tiny, little 
縮小 しゅくしょう reduction
小説 しょうせつ novel, (short) story
小屋 こや hut, cabin, shed
小銭 こぜに coins, small change
小... しょう... small
小学校 しょうがっこう primary school
小... こ... small
小猫 こねこ kitten, small cat

Donnerstag, 14. September 2017

Kanji Nr.39 気

Kanji 漢字

Kun-reading 訓読


On-reading 音読

き げ

Meaning 意味

spirit, mind, air

JLPT Level 日本語能力試験


Compound 熟語 / Grammar 文法

気 き spirit, mind,
元気 げんき healthy, robust
湯気 ゆげ steam, vapour
気圧 きあつ atmospheric pressure
天気 てんき weather
 気配 けはい presence
殺気 さっき thirst of blood
蒸気 じょうき steam vapour

Mittwoch, 13. September 2017

Kanji Nr.38 来

Kanji 漢字

Kun-reading 訓読

く きた き こ

On-reading 音読

ライ タイ

Meaning 意味

come, due, next, cause, become

JLPT Level 日本語能力試験


Compound 熟語 / Grammar 文法

来る くる to come, to approach, to arrive
出来る できる can, to be able to do, to be ready
来るべき きたるべき expected to arrive (occur)
出来事 できごと incident, affair, happening
来... らい... next...
来年 らいねん next year
再来週 さらいしゅう week after next
 由来 ゆらい origin, source
以来 いらい since, henceforth
家来 けらい servant, retainer, retinue
外来 がいらい external origin, imported

Dienstag, 12. September 2017

Kanji Nr.37 下

Kanji 漢字

Kun-reading 訓読

した しも もと さ くだ お

On-reading 音読

か げ

Meaning 意味

below, down, descend, give, low

JLPT Level 日本語能力試験


Compound 熟語 / Grammar 文法

下す おろす to take down, to drop,
下さる くださる to give, to confer
下す くだす to make (a decision), to pass (judgement)
下げる さげる to hang, to suspend
下 した under, below
下手 へた unskillful, poor
地下 ちか basement, cellar, underground
落下 らっか fall, drop, come down
靴下 くつした socks
上下 じょうげ top and bottom, high and low
下ネタ しもねた dirty joke

Montag, 11. September 2017

Kanji Nr.36 六

Kanji 漢字

Kun-reading 訓読

む むい

On-reading 音読

ロク リク

Meaning 意味


JLPT Level 日本語能力試験


Compound 熟語 / Grammar 文法

六 ろく six
六日 むいか 6th day
六つ むっつ six (pieces)
六月 ろくがつ june

Freitag, 8. September 2017

Kanji Nr.35 八

Kanji 漢字

Stroke Order 書き順

Kanji Stroke Order for the number eight

Kun-reading 訓読

や やっ よう

On-reading 音読


Meaning 意味


JLPT Level 日本語能力試験


Compound 熟語 / Grammar 文法

八 はち eight
八月 はちがつ August
八日 ようか The 8th
八つ やつ eight (pieces)
八百屋 やおや A greengrocer
七転八起 ななころびやおき vicissitudes of life
(fall seven times, stand up eight times)

Donnerstag, 7. September 2017

Kanji Nr.34 外

Kanji 漢字

Stroke Order 書き順

Kanji Strike Order for outside

Kun-reading 訓読

そと ほか はず

On-reading 音読

がい ゲ 

Meaning 意味


JLPT Level 日本語能力試験


Compound 熟語 / Grammar 文法

外 そと outside
室外 がいしつ  outdoor
外れる はずれる to get out
外す はずす to remove, to unfasten
海外 かいがい overseas
外国 外国人
がいこく がいこくじん
foreign countries foreigner
以外 いがい other than
外科 げか surgery, surgical department

Mittwoch, 6. September 2017

Kanji Nr.33 子

Kanji 漢字

Stroke Order 書き順

Kanji stroke order for child

Kun-reading 訓読

こ ね 

On-reading 音読

シ ス ツ

Meaning 意味


JLPT Level 日本語能力試験


Compound 熟語 / Grammar 文法

子 こ kid
子供 こども kid
息子 むすこ son
子猫 こねこ small cat
子犬 こいぬ puppy, small dog
様子 ようす state, appearance
双子 ふたご twins
王子 おうじ prince
女子 じょし girls
利子 りし interest (rate)
粒子 りゅうし particle
帽子 ボウシ hat
椅子 いす chair

Dienstag, 5. September 2017

Confusing Kanji - Part 4 -

A radical difference

In part four of my series Confusing Kanji, i want to show some Kanji, where a radical inside the Kanji is changed, but the still looks similar.

1. Mei (fate life, command), Rei (orders, command), Kai (to meet, meeting) and Kon (now)

命 令 会  

As you see, the top of these four Kanji are the same, but the lower part is different. You will see the first two often in combination as meirei (命令). Especially rei and kon are easy to get mixed up, since the only difference is the line on the bottom.

2. Koyomi (calendar) and Ma (grind, polish)

暦 磨

Notice that there are two differences. The first is the radical in the lower part. While the koyomi has nichi, ma has the ishi radical. And second, on top of the Kanji the small line is not needed in the koyomi Kanji.

3. Sora (sky), Kyuu (research, study) and Totsu (stab, thrusting)

空 究 突*

As with number 1 the top is same in all three Kanji. The sora Kanji has the radical takumi, kyuu the radical kyuu as the number nine and totsu has the big radical dai. As a reading tip, the first one share the same onyomi with their lower radical.

* I don't know why blogspot prints this Kanji with the dog radical inu. While it exists, it is not in the JLPT and the normally used one, is the one described above with the dai radical without the dot.

4.  Tera (temple), Shi (samurai, warrior), Tai (wait, depend on) and Ji (hold, have)

寺 侍 待 持

The difference in these four Kanji is obviously the radical in the front.

The Kanji shi, tai and ji share all the tera radical which is the Kanji for temple (buddhist). The radical in front of shi is hito so we can remember, that this Kanji is related to a person, therefore samurai. The radical in front tai means to stop, we know it from 行く, which means "to go", so it indicates something involving movement. As with the radical hito, the radical for hand also looks sometimes different. It's the one in front on ji, so doing something with your hand.

5. Bun (hear, ask, listen), Mon (ask, question, problem) and Kan (space, interval) 

聞 問 

Τhe bun Kanji has the mimi radical for ear, that is why this Kanji also means "to listen" and not only to ask. The mon Kanji on the other hand has the kuchi radical for mouth, so it can only be used for "asking" or for problem as in mondai (問題). The third on means space or interval has the nichi radical.

In the next part i will show some more Kanji which change with a radical.

Kanji Nr.32 円

Kanji 漢字

Stroke Order 書き順

Kanji stroke order for round or the currency yen

Kun-reading 訓読

まる まど まろ

On-reading 音読


Meaning 意味

round, circular, Yen

JLPT Level 日本語能力試験


Compound 熟語 / Grammar 文法

円 えん yen
...円 ...えん ...yen
円い まるい round, circular
円やか まろやか circular
楕円 だえん ellipse

Montag, 4. September 2017

Kanji Nr.31 高

Kanji 漢字

Stoke Order 書き順

Kanji Stroke order for high, expensive

Kun-reading 訓読

たか だか 

On-reading 音読


Meaning 意味

high, expensive

JLPT Level 日本語能力試験


Compound 熟語 / Grammar 文法

高い たかい high, expensive
高める たかめる increase (transitive verb)
高まる たかまる to rise (intransitive verb)
高所 こうしょ high place
高級 こうきゅう high class, luxury
高所得 こうしょとく high income
残高 ざんだか  balance (money)

Freitag, 1. September 2017

Confusing Kanji - Part 3 -

One line difference

Lets look at five more Confusing Kanji where a small line can make difference.

1. Shin (spicey, bitter) and kou (happiness, blessing)

辛 幸 

While meaning almost the opposite, the Kanji looks almost the same. The only difference is the horizontal line on the top of the kou Kanji.

2. Ei (long, eternity), Sui (water) and Koori (ice)

永 水 氷

The biggest difference is the small point on top of the Kanji to differentiate the vertical line in the middle. Notice the small horizontal line on top of the body, coming from the left. Normally you draw this line, too. The Kanji for koori is the same as mizu mizu, but with a small line on the left side of the vertical line in the middle and over the left part.

3. Uri (melon) and Tsume (fingernail, toenail)

瓜  爪

The Kanji for uri and tsume can be confusing, but the good thing is, that the uri Kanji is uncommon and not even in the JLPT. But when being in Japan, you will be seeing it. Most likely for Melon and Cucumber ( 胡瓜 ).

4. Ji (character, letter, word) and Gaku (science, learning)


The ji and gaku are thematically related, so you may see them in the same Text. The difference is the radical on top. The gaku Kanji has three lines, while the ji only has on.

5. Hoku (north) and Hi (compare)

北 比 

The next two are the Kanji for hoku and hi. Here the difference is the left radical. The vertical line of the left radical of hoku Kanji goes through and is made up of three lines, while he hi Kanji is just to lines, with the end pointing to the right.

With the difference in the radical with the last two examples, the next Parts will concentrate on confusing Kanji, where the radical make the difference.

Kanji Nr.30 学

Kanji 漢字

Stroke Order 書き順

Kanji stroke order for learning and science

Kun-reading  訓読


On-reading  音読


Meaning 意味

learn, science

JLPT Level 日本語能力試験


Compound 熟語 / Grammar 文法

学ぶ まなぶ to learn
学生 がくせい student
学校 がっこう school
大学 だいがく university
入学 にゅうがく entering a school or university
...学 ...がく
科学 かがく science
理学 りがく natural science
文学 ぶんがく literature
数学 すうがく math
学習 がくしゅう learning, studying
留学 りゅうがく study abroad
見学 けんがく study of observation,
奨学金 しょうがくきん scholarship