Mittwoch, 30. August 2017

Confusing Kanji - Part 2 -

One line difference

Lets look at Confusing Kanji where even a small line can make difference. Quite similar to number 5 from the last part, are the next the Kanji.

1. Shiro (white), Ji (oneself) and Me (eye)

白 自 目 

The first kanji stands for white and is almost the same as nichi. Except the small line on top. The Kanji for ji has two lines inside the box. And the Kanji for me as in eye is the same as the Kanji for ji except the line on top.

2. Ki (tree) and Hon (book)


The next two are the Kanji for ki and book. The difference between those two Kanji, is the vertical line at the bottom between the two slope lines on each side. 

3. Kyuu (to rest) and Karada (body)

休 体

As with above the only difference is the vertical line. Except this time, you have the radical for hito in front. So

4. Dai (big), inu (dog) and futoi (plump, thick)

 犬 太

More or less as you see. Depending on where the small dot is, the Kanji for dai changes. Is there a dot on the right upper side it becomes inu. And is in the middle, under the Kanji it becames futoi.

5. Fu (un-, non-, bad) and shita (under)

不 下

The last one are the Kanji fu and shita. The difference between those two is more or less the slope line on the left side.

The next part will also be about Kanji that change with small additional lines.

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