Freitag, 11. August 2017

Kanji Nr.15 行

Kanji 漢字

Stroke Order 書き順

Kanji Stroker Order for going or line

Kun-reading 訓読

い ゆ -いき -ゆき おこな 

On-reading 音読

コウ ギョウ アン

Meaning 意味

going, line

JLPT Level 日本語能力試験


Compound 熟語 / Grammar 文法

行く いく going
行く ゆく to go, going (more written language, poetic e.g. songtext)
...行 ...いき to... (Suffix following a place)
...行 ...ぎょう line
一行 いっこう troupe, party, one line, one row
銀行 ぎんこう bank 
行方 ゆくえ (one's) whereabouts

The ...て行く an ...に行く are too complex and important to just translate them without proper proper explanation. I may write a post about it in the future.

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